
Showing posts from September, 2023

debating cultural in india

 Title: The Echoes of Reason: Unraveling the Debate Culture Once upon a time, in a land where knowledge and wisdom were revered, there existed a vibrant debating culture. In this place, adorned with ancient temples and bustling market squares, people gathered to engage in intellectual battles of words and ideas. It was a land where the echoes of reason resonated through the air, captivating the hearts and minds of all who embraced the art of debate. In this enchanting land, young minds were nurtured to think critically, question assumptions, and express their thoughts eloquently. They were taught that debates were not mere contests, but avenues for intellectual growth and societal progress. The art of debate was seen as a means to seek truth, challenge beliefs, and broaden horizons. Every evening, the central debating square became a stage for intellectual discourse. As the sun gently dipped below the horizon, the square came alive with passionate debaters and eager listeners. The atmo

questions to be asked to pm right now

 some questions that you could consider asking the Prime Minister of India: What steps are being taken to address the issue of unemployment in the country? How is the government planning to tackle the challenges of climate change and promote sustainable development? What measures are being implemented to improve the quality of education and ensure equal access to education for all? How is the government working towards reducing poverty and improving the standard of living for marginalized communities? What is the government doing to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in India? How is the government planning to strengthen the healthcare system and ensure affordable and accessible healthcare for all citizens? What steps are being taken to promote gender equality and empower women in India? How is the government addressing the issue of corruption and ensuring transparency in governance? What initiatives are being taken to promote digital literacy and bridge the digital divide in the